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Case Study: How a Local Dental Practice Tripled Its Customer Base

In the competitive world of dental services, standing out in local search results can be the difference between a thriving practice and one that’s merely surviving. Today, we’re diving deep into a real-life success story where a local dental practice leveraged Thrive Reviews to not only improve their online presence but also significantly increase their customer base.

The Challenge: Getting Noticed in a Crowded Market

Before partnering with Thrive Reviews, the dental practice faced a common challenge: despite providing excellent patient care, they struggled to make a mark in local search results. Their Google Business Profile was underoptimized, and they had a modest number of Google reviews, which didn’t fully reflect the quality of service they provided. As a result, attracting new patients was becoming increasingly difficult in a highly competitive local market.

The Thrive Reviews Solution

The practice turned to Thrive Reviews for a comprehensive solution to their online visibility issues. Here’s what the process looked like:

  1. Google Business Profile OptimizationThrive Reviews started by giving the dental practice’s Google Business Profile a complete overhaul, ensuring all information was accurate, comprehensive, and fully optimized for local SEO. This included updating the business description, services offered, and adding relevant photos of the practice.
  2. Automated Review Request SystemTo boost the number of quality reviews, Thrive Reviews implemented an automated system to request reviews from patients post-visit. This system used personalized texts and emails, making it easy for satisfied patients to leave positive feedback on Google.
  3. Targeted Response to ReviewsEvery review received was met with a professional, personalized response that included targeted keywords to further enhance local SEO efforts. This not only showed patients that their feedback was valued but also contributed to the practice’s SEO strategy.
  4. Consistent Posting and PromotionRegular posts and updates were scheduled on the practice’s Google Business Profile, keeping it active and engaging for potential patients. Additionally, positive reviews were promoted on social media, leveraging the power of social proof to attract more customers.

The Results: A Significant Increase in Visibility and Patients

Within months of implementing Thrive Reviews’ strategies, the dental practice saw remarkable results:

  • Their Google Business Profile began to rank in the top 3 of Google Maps for key search terms, significantly increasing visibility.
  • The number of positive Google reviews more than doubled, enhancing the practice’s online reputation.
  • The practice experienced a 200% increase in new patient inquiries and appointments.

Reflecting on the transformation, the practice manager shared:

“It’s not just about the numbers; it’s about the quality of patients we’re now attracting. Thrive Reviews has not only helped us improve our online presence but has also made a tangible difference in our practice’s growth and the community’s perception of our services.”


This case study underscores the power of a well-managed Google Business Profile and the strategic use of Google reviews in boosting local SEO. The partnership with Thrive Reviews turned the dental practice’s challenges into opportunities, showcasing the potential for any local business to thrive in a competitive market.

If you’re ready to see similar results and grow your local business, Thrive Reviews is here to help. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive services designed to boost your online presence and attract more customers to your door.

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