How Avvo Reviews Help Lawyers Gain Trust
Judge for Yourself: Why Reviews on Avvo Benefit Attorneys
Avvo is a website that helps clients find the best lawyers for their needs. Avvo is a place where people go to get experienced lawyers who can help them with everything from criminal defense to credit repair. If you want to add clients on a site like Avvo, you are going to need to stand out. One of the first things people will notice about you is your online reviews and rating. You can be sure that most people will read through the reviews other clients have written about you before they decide to hire you for their legal needs. If you want to get ahead in the legal world, having credible reviews can help.
Ask for Online Reviews from Past Clients
One way to get reliable reviews on Avvo is to ask your past clients for them. Satisfied clients should be happy to leave you a good review. Every review can help you to stand out from other lawyers. By having a lot of reviews, you will be more likely to get the client who is looking for services you offer in your area.
Talk with Family or Friends
You can ask for reviews from your family or friends if you have ever helped them out with legal services. By asking those closest to you, you can expect to get some amazing reviews. Let your family and friends know exactly how much a review can mean for your business. A good online reputation can make a big impact. It could be the difference in someone just glancing at your profile and someone hiring you.
Send Links With All Written Communication
If you offer any sort of written communication between you and your clients, you can simply add a link that will take them to your review page. If you make getting online reviews on Avvo a simple process, you can expect to have more people giving them to you. You can add review links to online correspondence such as emails. You can also add links to any text messages you send out. If you send out traditional letters in the mail, you can also add links. The more often you remind your clients to leave a review, the better chance you have of getting the reviews that will help set you apart from other lawyers.

Ask for Avvo Specific Reviews
You can get more Avvo reviews by specifically asking for them. Direct your clients to the Avvo site so you can enjoy having a strong online presence there. By having as many reviews as possible in one location, you can make the best use of your reviews. If you just have one or two spread out in different locations, you will not get the same benefits as if you had many reviews in one place. There are many benefits to having reviews on Avvo if you want to be hired as often as possible.

Respond to Reviews
If you receive a positive review on Avvo, you should always recognize it. Tell the reviewer thank you to show that you care about your client’s opinion. A good review is going to help you attract new clients. In some cases, a good review can be the main reason why someone decides to go with you. By acknowledging your reviewers, you are going to hopefully get more.
Respond to Negative Customer Reviews
A negative online review does not have to be a completely bad experience if you learn from it. Listen to what the reviewer says and see if you can fix the situation. If you can’t, at least you tried and potential clients will see that you care about your reviewer’s opinions. By showing that you care, you can build a better relationship with your clients. If you can fix the negative reviewer’s problem, go ahead and ask if they will be willing to update their review. In many cases, your reviewers will be happy to give an updated review if you resolved their issues.
Be Persistent
You can enjoy receiving quality reviews if you work hard to get them. If your client does not leave a review right after you have finished your service to them, wait a few weeks and touch base with them again. Just gently remind your clients to leave a review at the Avvo site. By being persistent, you are more likely to get reviews.
Ask at the Right Time
Timing is everything in a lot of situations, including getting a review. You may want to bring up getting a review if you have a client who is extremely happy with your services. Right after you have won a case or finished an important legal process is a wonderful time to ask for that review in the hopes you will receive a 5-star rating.
Tell Your Clients What You Want
If you tell your clients what you want, you are more likely to get the results you are seeking. You could ask your clients if they were specifically happy with your work ethic, the way you handled yourself in the courtroom, how you handled a case without having to go to court or anything else. If they were happy, ask them to specifically mention the service in the reviews and exactly how they helped you. This will help you get the type of review you want, filled with great details that help show how valuable you are to your clients.
Go For Quality Reviews on Avvo
It can be very rewarding to get a quality review. Ask for reviews from your past, present and future clients. You should also ask your family members and friends for reviews. If you want, go ahead and send out links to your Avvo review page with all of your written communication. By focusing on specific sites like Avvo, you will be able to get the most reviews possible in one place. When you want to be seen as an expert in your field, you are going to need to have as many reviews as you can. Work hard to get the reviews you need to help you look like the best legal choice. You want to stand out to every client who looks at your profile.