Review Management

All of your reviews. All in one place.

Effortlessly manage and respond to customer reviews for all your business locations from one intuitive dashboard.

Review Dashboard

Read and reply from a single inbox

Read and respond to hundreds of reviews from a single inbox — no matter where they’re posted.

Review Alerts

Stay on top of new reviews

Don’t let missed reviews become missed opportunities. Birdeye sends notifications for every review so you can read and respond in seconds.

Spam detection

Target and tackle fake reviews

Don’t let fake reviews ruin your reputation. We’ll find and flag spam so you don’t have to.

1:1 review response

We Respond to Everything

Our US based team will respond to all of your Google Reviews within 24 hours.  This will help us rank you in local google reviews. 

Measure success with personalized reports

Review reports

Measure success with personalized reports

Track performance, share results, and deliver experiences your customers love with customized review reports built for your business.



Use reviews to create happier customers

Identify trends. Implement changes. Improve your workflows. With review insights, you have everything you need to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Use reviews to create happier customers Identify trends.
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