Review Generation Services

Get more reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook and other online review sites and create a positive digital footprint for your brand. Thrive Reviews’ online review generation service is designed to empower your loyal customers to share their unique brand experiences and strengthen your online reputation.

Why Review Generation is
Significant to Your Online Success

Build a Positive Brand Reputation and Convert More Traffic into Sales

Companies with a solid review generation strategy in place are ahead of the business marketing game by leaps and bounds. Online review generation is the process of acquiring customer reviews from various digital platforms. It can be done using feedback forms, email and SMS campaigns and online surveys.

Businesses that invest in review generation tools are not only able to streamline their daily operations, but they also gain control of online conversations about their brand and influence their customers’ purchasing decisions.

According to the recent consumer review survey conducted by Statista, 23 percent of Americans consider online reviews as the most integral aspect of their shopping experience. Knowing how to get more reviews on Google and other platforms can help you expand your online reach and provide better customer service.

Create a Positive Impact in Your Industry and Get More Google Reviews

Many businesses drop out of the competition because of a bad online reputation. Maximize the benefits of using review generation software and increase your customer trust and conversions. Thrive Reviews’ online review generation software allows you to:

Gather Customer Insights

Businesses lose up to $75 billion per year due to poor customer service. According to Microsoft’s State of Global Customer Service Report, 54 percent of consumers have higher expectations for customer care. Through online review generation, you can identify your marketing gaps and weaknesses and develop better ways to improve your brand experience.

Build a Strong Brand Reputation

It takes only five minutes to ruin a reputation you have spent years building. Protect your business from costly reputation issues and maintain brand control with data-driven review generation service. Online review generation software is designed to provide you with a steady stream of positive reviews and win back clients who had poor brand experiences.

Leverage Multiple Customer Touchpoints

You might always deliver products and services on time, but a wayward customer care and review response strategy can scare customers off. Using review generation tools is one of the most effective ways to identify and monitor your customer touchpoints. Review generation allows you to gather customer feedback, address client concerns quickly and boost your brand interaction.

Explore Other Online Marketing Opportunities

As new digital marketing and eCommerce platforms emerge every year, it becomes more challenging to monitor your brand mentions and gather customer feedback. The good news is review generation service makes it easy for you to reach out to your customers and get more Yelp reviews. More importantly, it opens lucrative opportunities to market your brand to a broader customer base.

Boost Your Local Search Rankings

Online reviews are vital components of local search visibility. Search engines classify review signals as the third-most important factor for Local Pack rankings. Understanding how to get more Google reviews and implementing the right online review generation tactics help boost your online exposure, ramp up your local search rankings and increase your brand significance.

Improve Customer Experience

Consumers want to be acknowledged, even in small ways. With online review generation services, you provide your customers with the opportunity to voice their concerns and feel valued and empowered. Refine your brand messaging and tailor it to match your customer needs and preferences using review generation tools.

Increase Consumer Trust

Studies show that 72 percent of consumers interact with businesses that have positive reviews. According to BrightLocal, online reviews increase consumer trust by 11 percent, while positive ratings increase customer interactions by 12 percent. By investing in online review generation service, you can turn customer reviews into positive actions and build long-term client relationships.

Position Your Brand for Online Success

Each year, 1 in 12 businesses stop their operations because of low sales and increasing market expenses. With rising ad costs, marketers must find organic ways to acquire and retain new customers. Online review generation software allows you to establish social proof and remove most psychological barriers that hinder prospects from interacting with your brand.

Thrive Reviews has years of experience generating positive reviews for businesses of all sizes and niches. We helped a popular multiple-location restaurant generate more than 15,000 reviews in only five months!

How to Get More Reviews Using Our Review Generation Software

Give Your Brand a Voice in Online Conversations

Approximately 92 percent of online users choose a local business with a positive online reputation. Leverage our review management software to gather positive customer reviews and maximize conversion opportunities across the web.

Here’s what you can expect from our online review generation service:

Email and SMS Drip Campaigns

Our reputation managers launch carefully strategized email and SMS drip campaigns to help you generate a continuous flow of reviews over a long period. All we need to get started is your customer list, with the names, email addresses and phone numbers of your customers.

Easy 2-StepProcess

You don’t need to log in to the review generation software or edit your customer list. Our online review generation software automatically removes invalid information, such as duplicate phone numbers and emails, to help clean up your raw data.

Personalized Campaigns

We create personalized messages with an appropriate amount of urgency and a clear call-to-action (CTA). Our team can also automate and customize the texts and schedule of your SMS and email campaigns, depending on your customers’ online behavior and mobile activities.

No Upcharges

At Thrive Reviews, we allow unlimited email and SMS sending across your target demographics. If a customer responds via email or text, we route the response to your business contact. Our review generation software also limits sending of requests to one review request per customer within six months, so you’re not bugging the same clients more than twice a year.

Custom Mail Sender Settings

Your customers are more likely to respond and pay attention to an email or text from a local number or recognizable email. As such, we send SMS from a local phone number and configure your mail sender settings, so it would appear to come from you directly.

Tailored Review Generation Strategies

Our reputation managers develop review generation strategies tailored to your business’ unique needs and demands. We analyze your customers’ brand interaction and encourage them to provide feedback on your preferred review platforms.

In-Depth Reporting and Analytics

We offer comprehensive analytics and reporting, with individual tracking for your email and SMS campaigns. The reports show your open and subscription rate, published and unpublished customer reviews, unsubscribe rate and email bounce rate.

Multi-Language Support

Does your business serve international locations? Our reputation managers have got you covered! We provide multi-language support for review generation, such as Spanish and German, among others.

Review Monitoring Automation Software

We offer online review monitoring software to help keep track of your customer reviews across online channels and locations. Our reputation monitoring software allows multi-site tracking, automatic email alerts and response notifications and multiple-location monitoring.

Why You Need to Prioritize Review Generation

The Quantity and Quality of Your Online Reviews Matter

The Quantity and Quality of Your Online Reviews Matter

Businesses are often afraid to manage online reviews because they don’t want to deal with negative customer feedback and receive zero client reviews. Don’t make the same mistake. Ignoring your online reputation is a risky business move.

As an entrepreneur, you need to get more Facebook reviews and customer feedback from multiple review sites to thrive in this competitive marketplace. Review generation allows you to make real connections with customers and make positive improvements to your products and services.

To maximize the impact of customer reviews on your digital presence, you must understand that both quantity and quality play a crucial role in your online reputation:

  • Online reviews and ratings affect your rankings in local searches
  • Customer reviews help establish trust and authenticity
  • 82 percent of consumers make their purchasing decisions based on the quality of your review response to negative reviews
  • The more customer reviews you have, the higher your chances of converting visitors into customers
  • Business with optimal ratings increase their gross income by 28 percent
  • Companies with high review counts earn up to 54 percent more revenue than their competitors

How Our Reputation Management Company
Improves Your Customer Support

Monitor Your Brand Mentions and Streamline Your Review Response Process

Concentrate on what you do best while our online reputation managers take care of your brand’s digital presence. Our reputation management software was designed to help you get more reviews and monitor your brand interactions across digital channels.

Gain the following advantages when you invest in our online reputation management software:

Custom Dashboard Features

Get access to a personalized dashboard and free review widget when you sign up for our review generation and review monitoring services. We also offer custom brand messaging and email campaigns to keep your brand voice authentic.

Audience Targeting

Reach out to your satisfied customers from different locations and digital platforms. Our reputation management tools were built with integrated customer relationship management (CRM) and point of sale (POS) systems to facilitate automated data gathering of customer information.

Review Integrations

Stay on top of all online conversations about your brand and maintain a positive online presence. Our reputation management software allows you to aggregate and display customer reviews from over 100 review sites.

Centralized Management Platform

Stay on top of all online conversations about your brand and maintain a positive online presence. Our reputation management software allows you to aggregate and display customer reviews from over 100 review sites.

Safeguard Your Online Reputation with the Help of Rize Review.

Drive Customers to Your Website and Generate More Revenue for Your Business

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